Love, your baby girl.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


So I want to thank Chad for telling me how to put my subscriptions up.. obviously Im having some difficulties because only Deanna's is there right now, but I imputed Deana's, Chad's Brian Masburn's AND Emily Wallace's... but Im going to keep working on it and hopefully, by the time this is read I will have fixed it.

The countdown is now at 2 weeks exactly. Karla is moving to Portland in two weeks. I am going home this weekend and so I will see her again.. you know... getting my "Karla Fix" before it is gone.... Dang.. its so weird to say that. Oh well.

Anyways, it got SUPER cold here last night. In all seriousness, it blew in on like a 5 min time interval. And of course it came with the wind, rain, thunder, and lightening. My roommate is from Alaska and they dont really get too much thunder and lightening so she wasent too enthusiastic. But me, it just once again showed me God's power... Karla has pointed out to me this scripture MANY times

"...the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
-I John 4:4

As I stood outside and watched the storm last night it brought that scripture dear to my heart. God is greater than me. Can I cause storms? NO.... I dont have the power to do that. But God has all that strength to cause the water to falll and the ground to shake. I needed that storm last night. I laid in my bed and thanked God for one of his MANY reminders to me.... it was AMAZING... I loved it. I always love it when God says to me, "DUH Sarah... Im right here... Ive been here the whole time..."

Anyways, thats what I felt last night when my hair was being blown by the wind and all the car alarms were goin off. My mind was completly free and totally focused on God.
posted by Sarah Megan at 9:18 AM


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