Love, your baby girl.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mirror Thoughts

Okay, well I had an excellent experience today. You may not think it was excellent, but I did, so I will write about it

Before I start this story, here is a little advice. Dont work out when you are really like JUST getting over a cold. Like I just got over it this afternoon and I worked out tonight after history.

Well, Sarah and I decided that we are going to work out at least three times a week from now on. She has gained weight, and I decided that I want to keep off the weight I have lost. So we came to a decision and we will stick with it..

So anyways, here is what I was thinking about. I was doing my 15 min on the tredmill (as of right now I do 15 running, 15 elliptical, and 15 bike). And me being an idiot decided to run first. Yeah, well.....have you ever noticed how easy it is to stop running? After 5 minutes I was like, "Well, its only my first day..." after ten, "Im probably shocking my body....I should stop"

Is it just me, or do others of you feel like that in life? I mean, so many times in the past year I have wanted to give up. I wanted to turn around and say, "Its too much I should just give up" Well, then I finally realized, that if I give it up to God, it gets better. Moves cant make me turn away now. pain doesnt make me hide, and sure as heck insecurity isnt going to make me doubt my Lord ever again. I didnt like that feeling then and I sure wont let myself feel it again.

Well, those were the deep thoughts I was thinking about when I was running looking at myself in the mirror for 15 minutes tonight.

Im going to Portland in 38 DAYS!!!!!!!
posted by Sarah Megan at 9:52 PM


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