Love, your baby girl.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

So well, I havent updated this in a couple of weeks so I thought I would just let you know how everything is going. I am so starting to love school. I have a new good good friend. I would call her my best friend, but I have Jules as my best friend. This new friend is Sarah and she is my best friend at school. We both hated it here last semester and are both not coming back next semester. But then we decided to hang out and we hang out everyday this semester. Even if we are busy, we make it a point to hang out. And I have my much anticipated Spring Break trip in 25 days. I cannot wait. Im so excited. Classes are good and easier than last semester.

Im happy now. I dont have everything I want. But, happiness is not having everything I want, but making the best out of what I have.
posted by Sarah Megan at 3:36 PM


It's so funny that you know our Russian waiter!
Blogger Deana Nall, at 9:24 AM  

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