Love, your baby girl.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Here is a little more about my trip....

Little man (Dawson) can give an Aggie "WHOOP!" Thanks to Emily Wallace :)
PUMP (Portland Urban Ministry Project)Church House.
Me and Karla in front of what I think is the Columbia River?
Me and Karla in front of a huge waterfall and a tree with moss on it.
Mt. Hood from the mall parking garage. Portland folks get to see that almost everyday, those lucky lucky people

So, those are just some of the pictures I (and Kerry) took while I was in Portland. It was so much fun and so beautiful. I didnt want to leave.

But here is the deal, I definitely may be going back. As of right now Im sitting at about an 80% (how i percive it from my parents) of going to Portland to intern this summer. It is called PSP---which stands for Portland Summer Program. Basically I would be helping teach the inner city kids to read in the mornings and doing VBS type things in the afternoons for 7 weeks. I would be up there for a total of 10 weeks becacuse I would need time to prepare and get trained for all of it and I would need to stay a week after to help clean up. It is such a good opprotunity for me. Kansas announced that they had hired thier interns sometimes last week. I was definitely disappointed because I wouldnt be able to spend time with my best friend and her fammily. But now, Im thinking that God may havev a reason for not giving me that job. They church I would have interned at was pretty much the West Houston of Kansas City. And my "younger siblings" or my best friends siblings were in the youth grouop so I hae a small feeling that I would be more partial to them and their group of friends which is something that a youth intern shouldnt do. At PUMP, I will be taken out of my comfort level, something that I will definitely need to do when I become a teacher. Everything seems to be poiinting in the right direction and so I hope I get to do this!!!

Please pray that God's will be done in this situation.
posted by Sarah Megan at 9:35 PM


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