Love, your baby girl.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

So, it is finally here. I leave my house in about an hour and 20 min and I will head to the airport. I CANNOT wait. I never thought I could pack such a suitcase for a three day trip. But of course, I have jackets and sweaters and a ridicuolous amount of layers. I like hoe most of my friends think im crazy for going to a cold placec for Spring Break. But they just couldnt understand. Im not going there for the weather. Im going there to get my Karla fix for a while. Haha, and of course Kerry and EMILY!!!!!! I am excited.

so thats all for that's another one....

Things change. As much as I hate to admit it all the time, they do and its something that just has to be a part of our lives. As I sit and think of all the tough changes Ive gone through and Ive seen my closest friends endure, it gets me down and makes me think of change as being something totally negative. Yesterday while at Target, I got a reminder that effects of change is all in how you percieve it. My old best friend's mom has been struggling with the death of her husband for three years. And you know what? It made me smile when she called me over and showed me how she now signs credit card bills at Karin Adams instead of Karin Weitzel. I saw the joy on her face and I almost cried. Three years ago I sat next to her at the "reception" after her husbands funeral and just listened to her bawl and felt the tears running down my shirt. I thought things were never going to be the same. I thought she wouldnt ever smile again. Seeing her happiness meant the world to me.

Change isnt bad. Maybe it is for a while, but YOU get tho choose how cange affects you and my goal is to not let the negativev effects linger anymore.

*Karla is gone, but Kerry is living out his dream job
*The Bentleys are gone, but my best friend go to stay here
*My first year of college has been horrible, but it will make next year so much sweeter
*Belinda died, but so many people came to our church because of her
*My life hasent been easy, but I like to think Ill be a stronger person in the long run

Okay, I need to put bags in the car and get the makeup on and such. YEAH PORTLAND!!

Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account. " Ecc. 3:15
posted by Sarah Megan at 11:39 AM


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