Love, your baby girl.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Truly Happy

Has anyone who reads this ever been TRULY happy? I mean, with like no doubts in the back of your head. Ive been feeling that for the past few days. Now yes, there are finals and grades to worry about, but for some reason...Im just not stressin over them. Im going to Portland this summer. There are only like 3.5 weeks of school left. Im at home for three days this weekend. Family stuff tomorrow and Sunday. Church on Sunday :) I know for a fact that all my closest friends are happy and safe because they are all at LTC(oh yeah, if you can be prayin for that). My letters are ready to be put in the mailbox. My mommy is cooking dinner right now. I have an AMAZING roomie this semester. I have two really close friends in Galveston---enough to kee me sane and happy, but prevent complications in judgement, etc like last semester. ACU in the Fall.

I dont know, I was just laying down to take a nap and I thought about how happy I am right now. I havent felt completely happy in a while, and judging by the last year....for good reasons. But, I guess this means Im finally over all the hurt, pain, sadness, and doubts I have had about all the stuff that has happened in the past year. And THAT, my friends, is a good feeling.

I hope you all have a great Easter and spend it with friends and loved ones!!!
posted by Sarah Megan at 3:23 PM


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