Love, your baby girl.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Well, I know today is going to be a tough day for those Oregoners. Some that I already love very very dearly and some that I am getting to know and love. I pray for you guys today as you lose those that YOU love. Ive been down that road. Twice in the past year and more in the past that I can think of. And next to death, moves are my least favorite things in the world. Especially of someone so close to my heart.

So PUMP, I pray for you today and hope that in some way the moves of Steve and Amanda bless you guys. It hard to believe that something that hurts your heart so much can be good, but in time, God will give you joy in what He has done.

Ummmmm, I went to Women of Faith thing yesterday at the Toyota Center (basketball place in Houston) and it was pretty much AMAZING. Ill go more into it tonight when I go back to school (only 4 days this week...YES). But, right now I need to finish getting ready for church (Sundays are my favorite day of the week). I just wanted to let you Portland folks know I am in prayer for your hearts, spirits, and the future of PUMP Church to be just as strong as the past.
posted by Sarah Megan at 6:23 AM


Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers for us today, Sarah. Indeed, it is bittersweet to send those we love into other parts of the world for further ministry - we will miss them greatly, but we are proud of them and excited for the future before them.

Glad you got to enjoy WofF!
Blogger Kristi, at 10:30 PM  

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