Love, your baby girl.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


If all you guys could just take a little time out of your days to pray for my original preacher and his wife.

Kurt Picker, was the preacher I was raised on at West Houston COC. I love him and his wife dearly. They were in a motorcycle accident today when a deer ran out in front of them. Roxy broke her arm, and is doing well from what I hear. Kurt, on the other hand, had some internal bleeding and ruptured his spleen. His speel has now been removed and he has 3 or 4 broken ribs. He is stable and I think he has spoken, so they dont believe there is any brain damage.

Kurt and Roxy are people of God. I know they believe He will heal. I believe He will heal them as well. Please keep them and their family in your prayers tonight and for the week.

Thank you
posted by Sarah Megan at 11:58 PM


I just randomly followed a link from Steve Maxwell, but I'll pray for them nonetheless.

BTW - I'm from Portland and I went to ACU for grad work, if you have questions, I might be able to help find answers.
Blogger Unknown, at 12:50 AM  

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