Love, your baby girl.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Goodbye...i dont wanna

"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living." - Hope Floats

Tell me that isnt the truth...oh wait, it is....

If I wanted to sum up this summer, it would take so many posts, because I know there would be tthings I would forget and then have to come back and put up again. But, we can try, I suppose

1. PUMP as a whole. I have never beben to a church like PUMP before. At first, I thought I would miss West Houston more than anything. But, I know when I go back to Texas--- that PUMP is going to be the church that I long for in my heart. The people at PUMP are genuine. I love some of them more than others, but they all individually hold a part of my heart. Every one who goes there CHOOSES to go there. It isnt an easy thing for some of them. I know a many of people that drive past Churches of Christ to get to PUMP. They are there for the kids and the community. I love it. I love the worship more than anything at PUMP. We have been lucky to have worship in the house last week and tomorrow, from what I hear. The way our voices bounce off that wall is the most amazing sound I have heard. It has evevn surpassed Kadesh Ampitheater worship in my heart. I feel more at PUMP. I know my heart is with God the entire time, and that is something that DEFINITELY makes me want to come back to PUMP.

2. the hardest job I have had. Has the longest days, the most emotional stress, and dirtest days I have ever experienced. But when I get home..I find myself not being able to wait to go back the next day. My emotional stress will someday turn into those kids' emotional gain. Deep down, I know that and I accept the stress and disappointments of the that the kids will have a long term effect of PSP.

3. The love of the PSP something I also have never experienced before. They love matter what they tell you. I had that happen to me this week. When I thought a certain little boy hated me, and then this past week, he came up and told me he wanted a hug from me. Folks, its working. The sweat and tears I have shed are getting to them and that makes me heart feel good.

4. The a place a feel like home. I love the Lowerys. I knew that when I came here. What they are to me, I didnt think was able to be topped. But, it has been... I cant imagine living with two greater examples. I love them so much. They make me feel like I belong here. And that is more than I could have asked of anyone. I cant express the happiness and love I feel here. The only way I could see to explain it, is to say that I dont want to leave here. With all of me, I want to stay.

5. Porland...the most beautiful city in the world. I want to move here. Really, when I graduate, but if that doesnt work...I know I want to be here by the time I die. Every day I spend in Portland adds to my yearning a little more. I can see myself here. I can see myself hanging out downtown on the weekends and being a part of PUMP and eating dinner outside.

Final words....I dont want to leave, and it is going to be a hard and tearful goodbye ( least til next summer.....maybe) Thank you to all of you have been a part of my unexpected, but geniune love of my summer experience.
posted by Sarah Megan at 11:25 PM


Aw we don't want you to leave! It has been great getting to know you and watch you interact with the kiddos. Thank you for all your hard work. If I don't see you before you go, best of luck and hopefully we will see you next summer!
Blogger Kristi, at 9:00 AM  
It's "Portland", not "Porland". =) Glad you love it, she welcomes you back.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:02 AM  

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