Love, your baby girl.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Favorite Pictures

I dont have anything to say, so here are some cuuuutttteeeee pictures :)

Sweet Children. This is my desktop picture now....I LOVE it

Sugar Baby, the only dog I have ever had...I miss her a lot

Ohhhhhhh Tyler

Little Caiti making silly faces, precious little child

The Lowerys. Two of my favorite people. I love them :)

Oh, Cheronn, is there really anything else to say? I like her a lot :)

Me and Casey :) One of my favorite pictures.

I just got a call...I am the newest pledge of GATA!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOO

Here is me and my roommate, Jessica with the GATA sign
posted by Sarah Megan at 3:17 PM


Congrats on being a Gata girl! That was my mom's club at Abilene back in the day.

We think of you often and enjoy keeping up with you through blogland!
Blogger Kristi, at 9:12 AM  

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