Love, your baby girl.

Monday, December 04, 2006

New Journey

"this journey will be painful. but we search for truth nonetheless, because we hope for something better." [chris seay]

Im embarking on a new journey. And prayers would be great.

Im embarking on my journey into becoming an adult. It is needed, wanted, and overdue.
After countless prayers by me and one of my closest friends, I believe God has nudged me into a new and probably most influential journeys of my life.

At the beginning of this journey, about a week ago, I was furious at God. I felt like I was by myself. No one was supporting what I wanted to do with my life, and it was a place a truly felt God was leading me. I now know that there are people that support my dreams for after graduation. And that is something I thank God for, bringing out those people so I know there are people behind me.

The hardest part of this journey is going to be stepping back from some of the people I love the most. I fought God long and hard on this. All semester, it has been on my heart to say something to a handful of people. I just needed time between me and God to find out what kind of adult I am going to be. I kept putting it off, but last just blew up in my face. Not saying God put a huge fight in my life, but something significant had to happen in my heart, or I believe I would have never backed away. I know a few of you that I have made this decision about are reading this, know that I love you. I love what you were to me. I love what you probably will still be in my future, but I just need time.

In the past week, my friends have made comments about how much happier I seem. That I laugh more, I smile more, and it seems that I am less tied down.

It makes me happy that my friends are now seeing the real me. Maybe this is the beginning of who I will be as an adult. A happy, smiley, faithful woman.

I am really excited about this journey. Although it scares me, I know it is something that will mold me into the person I will be for the rest of my life.

I have been saying for years that I am ready to be an adult, but now....I really am. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!
posted by Sarah Megan at 8:25 AM


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