Love, your baby girl.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Crazy times

"To be overwhelmed is to underestimate God" ~ Tquan Moore

Wow do those words hit the heart right now.
Sing Song weekend is upon me, folks.

Last night we had a double run through that seemed to last FOREVER. But as I got on stage, did my Sing Song face, and "danced" (well, as much as we are allowed)...I had so much fun. Unfortunately, I am losing my voice, so I lip synced the second round last night and am abstaining from talking all day today. Hopefully Ill be good to go Friday and Saturday. Tonight we have another run through. Luckily, it is only one time through, though. I think there may actually be a bigger crowd tonight, though. Eventhough it isnt an official show time.

My parents are coming, Ill see them after the afternoon show on Saturday and they will leave Monday morning. They are going to the Saturday night show. And that means we can spend all Sunday together :) WAY excited. We are going to celebrate my birthday, too. Since it is next Friday and I wont be able to go home.

Still working. And as of Saturday, I will be the ONLY employee at Friendze. Our new manager lasted all of a whopping 10 days. And my coworker and friend, Jessica got a new job at Pepsi Co. and she gets to sit behind a desk and not have to deal with people all day, so I dont blame her. I will just start working about 30 hours a week, again. Maybe more, if they call me in on Tuesday and Thursday. We'll see.

Anywho----I guess thats it. Just a little update.
posted by Sarah Megan at 2:07 PM


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