Love, your baby girl.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Loving People

I love people.

I love my family...
They are the best. So much better than I deserved. In my mind, I cant even picture a better group of people to share blood with. They put me before anything or anybody. Ive had rough times with them and we have had tears and fights, but now that everything is different, I realize how stupid the fights are and how much I love them.

I love my BEST friends...
There are a couple of friends that mean more to me than others. Yes, I show favorites. I know you are surprised :) What makes these people special? The truth that I hold with them. I have never held back with my best friends, they are my safe place. I go to them with tears, laughs, problems, and praises. I trust them to tell me what they think, but not force their beliefs onto my life. I know whatever choices I make, they will be behind me with love and open arms.

I love my friends...
My friends that are there to hang out and make me laugh all the time. Granted, they are there for tears and laughs. I am thankful that God put me in such a great situation with friends in club and school at ACU.

I love the little old ladies...
That come into my store and have no clue what they are talking about. They dont know what they want, heck...they may not even remember their own age. But they are the sweetest people of Abilene. Waltzing in with their chunky turquoise and their bright pink cheeks. They are my favorite customers.

I love those who don't love me...
Those who don't even know me, those who have judged me, and those who haven't even given me a chance. I love them in their weakness. I pray for their willingness to know people before they cluster them into a group. I will wait.

I love those who betrayed me...
Those who use to love me, or say they did. Those who made me cry, made me weak, and made me doubt who I am as a person. I will not be someone else's life and I will not let others run my life by changing me to please them. I will not allow the fact that I was wronged, change the fact that there once was a reason they were important to me.

I love those who say simple "hi's" now and then...
Because that puts a smile on my face for at least a minute. Someone who takes just a second out of their day to make eye contact and let you know that you are an important person.

I love kids...
One of the fews things that can definitely put a smile on my face in any situation. Especially my kids from PSP that tried me and praised me all in the same summer. The smiles, the hugs, and the love that kids give you are definitely a blessing.

I just read a few things in several different places today and it made me realize that everybody in your life needs love. Some of the things I read made me think that I didnt share love enough. And even through the hurt I read, I knew that some people know how much I love them, but it can't heal the hurt they are feeling. Some people don't want my love, but I know it is a commandment from God, and they will get it anyway :)
posted by Sarah Megan at 5:07 PM


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