Love, your baby girl.

Monday, September 10, 2007

...So this is where I live now. It is a pretty interesting place and we have had some pretty interesting experiences with it already. I was really excited to move into a new place and get to decorate a new room. I found pretty much the perfect comforter, which is plain brown on the other side, you case I ever grow out of my pink stage :) I really like my bathroom and am REALLY glad I have my own this year!

I have never seen myself as a domestic girl (I know, surprising, right?) I have been ever so blessed to have a mom who knows how to clean, but since we had the financial means---decided to spend more time with us instead of cleaning the house. So because of that...we had cleaning ladies come to the house every other week and I never really had to clean at all. This summer I cleaned some, but I really buckled down on Saturday and decided since I had been here for two weeks (WOW time flies by) that I would give the bathroom a good scrubbin', do all my laundry, tidy the kitchen, and wash my sheets (I shower before getting in bed, so I am never dirty---so I can go twoish weeks). It was surprising to me that I actually chose to do this, but I figured if I don't start now....when will I?

I sat with Erica in chapel...on the floor today. She told me it is where all the good Christians sit :) I originally just went to sit with her because since we have been back at school we have seen eachother maybe twice for about a 5-10 min. period of time. We are going to continue chapel sitting together and start up some hang out time, too. I am really excited....I have missed that kid :) We talked about how it seems like FOREVER ago that we were interns, but that time here in Abilene seems to be going SUPER fast. Gotta love when my last two years of being a free loader and flyin' by.....YIKES!

Times are good in Abilene. Times will be better in Houston this weekend when I go home for my Daddy's birthday (shhhhh....he doesn't know. Its going to be a surprise)
posted by Sarah Megan at 9:05 PM


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