Love, your baby girl.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Well, I don't know if ya'll know about Camp Blue Haven, but it is a pretty big camp in the south, if you are reading this from the know.

It has been brought to my attention that my great uncle is pretty much a legend around here. I was actually told that by a sophmore tonight during a GATA rush. You see, my uncle is Vance Crowe pretty much the lifetime director of this camp. When I see people wearing Blue Haven shirts, I always ask them if they know my uncle and then they proceed to flip out and tell me I am the luckiest person ever. Weird. Haha. The funny thing is these people love the stories that my uncles tells---that I have heard a ton of times and still get a kick out of. I definitely love that I am part of a family who has such a great, loved, and respected man leading us.
posted by Sarah Megan at 5:57 PM


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