Love, your baby girl.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well friends. Today is the day. A major transition in my life.

I have become more favorable of the introverted side of the spectrum. I never thought I would see the day when this happened, but since I have been in HAS happened. I guess I never really gave myself a chance to become introverted...if I wasent conked out on pain meds from my various injuries last year...I was working or hanging out with my friends. This year, I live with two of my good friends and I generally just come in from class or a run from work, go into my room...listen to music, put in a movie, or just have quiet time. And I have come to the conclusion that I should have made this transition a long time ago. I see myself as being less stressed about school and more willing to give of myself when I am with others instead of just being there physically.

So if you are an introvert...HERE I COME!
posted by Sarah Megan at 8:43 PM


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