Love, your baby girl.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christopher's Carepage

This is the website you want to go to for updates on my cousin. I have realized that mine have started becoming more scarce, as I am checking the page late at night right before I go to sleep, or in the morning, right before I leave

If you cant get to it from this link it is carepages, come and his username is thanksgivingbaby

He is doing well. He reached 2 pounds yesterday! That is really exciting in itself. He has both eyes open now and can see the light of the hospital. The doctors have started draining about 15 ccs of fluid each day instead of 10 because his ventricles are stsill enlarged.

Thanks for your prayers. They mean more to our family then you could ever know.
posted by Sarah Megan at 4:18 PM


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