Love, your baby girl.

Monday, January 21, 2008

This weekend was not an easy one for me.
It brought to my attention that sometimes I put way to much effort and my heart into friendships.
I have known that I tend to put more into friendships than I get out of them. It could be considered a flaw. This weekend, I definitely considered it a flaw that hit way too close to home. I have come to find with this flaw, I often get hurt and break down. And now that I have accepted this downfall, I know the only people I can trust all the time are my parents. It's a hard reality, but one I have got to face.

I have chosen to step back from most of my friendships, especially the long distance ones, to reevaluate how I destine myself for disappointment. I still have acquaintances here in Abilene, enough to not allow me to seclude myself every day.

I know it is going to be a long, hard, quiet road, but I think it is something I need to do in order to have sanity and stable friendships in the future.
posted by Sarah Megan at 10:51 AM


I tried not thinking about the continental US, but I miss it too much. Well, I don't miss it. I just miss some of the people. We're having a good time. Mary broke her ankle today (more on that on my old blog), so that was pretty crazy. And I don't know why I'm saying all of this in a comment to you...But I am. So you can deal. :) I'd comment on what you wrote here...but I've kind of been stuck in a similar place for the last month or so and not really anywhere near the end, at least that I can see (but do I see well to start with...). I will say that I'm thinking about you and praying for you as you're thinking. I hope you are well.
Blogger J. B., at 12:45 AM  

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