Love, your baby girl.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I dont really know what to say about life at this point.
It is way complicated and the thoughts in my head change on a daily basis. That is probably the worst part.

Main Points of lately:
1. I found out the class I was led to believe was in Summer 2 is actually in Summer 1.
2. Because of the above I will now be in Houston the 2nd week of July and Washington D.C./ Baltimore the third week.
3. My academic advisor "overlooked" 4 classes I need to graduate. After the nervous breakdown, I emailed the head of education and we will see what she says when she gets back on campus Monday---because that is just not fair. I worked way to hard to do everything my advisor told me I had to do to graduate on time.
4. I love Abilene. I love the people in it and I am so glad to be here.
5. Given the above, I still wish I was an intern sitting in PUMP for the first Sunday. I really will miss it.

I dont really know what else to say. Like I said, my views on life and the future change on a minute by minute basis....
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