Love, your baby girl.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Um, so I kinda chopped all my hair off. Well, I didnt do it myself, but I asked someone to do it for me :)
It was a huge decision, actually. After the last time, I swore I would never do it again. And even when I told him what I wanted, it was not told to cut off that much, so Im not sure what happened there. I think its too short, but it is fun. I want the same style, just a few inches longer. So Ill grow it out a little bit.
I just kinda thought I needed a physical change to portray the change I am going through in life. Becoming the person I truly a drastic physical change for a drastic interior change.

Im sure once I figure out how to style it, Ill be fine with it. Im not upset, but Im not estatic. I suppose, somewhere in between.

Oh, and I made that necklace at work. Because Im cool like that :)
posted by Sarah Megan at 9:49 PM | link | 1 comments

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

Well, I pretty much just had the best Christmas EVER!
My favorite thing would have to be my new digital camera

Time with the fam last night was great. We have Christmas with my Daddys family on Saturday. They are fun too, so I cant wait.

You can go to my Flickr to see pictures of the night :)

Merry Christmas to all of ya'll!!!
posted by Sarah Megan at 7:54 AM | link | 0 comments

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"Never Alone"- Barlowgirl

Yeah, so music is definitely a big part of the house I have been staying in the past weekish. I kinda like it :) I dont know what I would do without music that expresses how I feel. Its just simply amazing. This song is a little delayed, because I was feeling this so much more a couple of weeks ago, but it is just a great song, so Im sharing it :) And I've tried to edit this post to make it to where you can SEE the video, but I dont know what Im doing wrong, but you can still hear it, and really...thats all that matters

posted by Sarah Megan at 9:10 AM | link | 0 comments

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you

So, in dedication to Allan White, I will show you the thing that I do most on myspace. Time fillers like these, at 2 in the morning when I have sleep apnia (is that even how you spell it?)
Right now, I think its because my body is still use to the schedule Ive been carrying the passt two weeks getting ready for finals...

Enjoy getting to know me more :)

1* First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Helmcamp and Mrs Carlson

2* Last word(s) you said: "You'll be okay" to Anna

3* Last song you sang: "Let Me Fall" by Bethany Joy (Haley from One Tree Hill)

4* Last person you hugged: Anna

5* Last thing you laughed at: Anna and her idea on how to get out of a ticket.

6* Last time you said I don't remember: I dont remember. So now :)

7* Last time you cried: Yesterday. It was an exhausting day at work, I missed my parents, and I realized that growing up is hard. But it was a cleansing cry.....

9* What color socks are you wearing: none

10* What's under your bed: in my or extra bathroom stuff, dirty clothes basket, bottled water, duffel bags. At home, storage for pictures, and old school memories

11* What time did you wake up today: 12....thanks to the stupid dogs barking.

12* Current taste: Root Beer :)

13* Current hair: um, long and people have started calling it blonde. So on the 29th, its getting cut and highlighted

14* Current shirt: GATA Grub 2002 pass down shirt from Anna

15* Current annoyance: that I cant go to sleep

16* Current longing: My parents, Blue Bell icecream, and my best friends

17* Current desktop background: Me and Trinity on my last Sunday at PUMP

18* Current worry: driving to Houston by myself on Thursday

19* Current hate: nothing. Hate is a strong word

20* Current favorite article of clothing: Any of my shoes and my gauchos

21* Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Height, I mean...that IS important to a 5'11" girl

22* Last CD that you listened to: a mix

23* Favorite place to be: anywhere with parents or friends

24* Least fav. place: class

25* Time you wake up in the morning? depends what I have to do. This semester it was usually 8:30 or 9 depending what class I had to get to

26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: piano

27* Favorite colors: PINK color scheme: Pink, black, white

28* Do you believe in love at first sight: No, I believe that lust at first sight can turn into love.

29* How tall are you: 5'11

30* Current favorite saying: "Duh"

31* Favorite book: Redeeming Love. To Kill a Mockingbird

32* Favorite season[s]: Spring for weather, summer for experiences

33* One person from your past you wish you could talk to: Poppa, my moms dad

34* Are you single? yea

35* Where do you want to go for college? well, ACU

36* What is your career going to be like: Elementary School Teacher and eventually an assistant principal...both at an inner city school, hopefully OUTSIDE of Texas

37* How many kids do you want: 2


39* Said "I love you" and meant it? Ive been making it a point to ONLY say it when I mean it

40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: no...cant say that I have

41* Been to New York: no

42* Been to Florida: yes, multiple times

43* Been to California: yes

44* Been to Hawaii: nope

45* Been to Mexico: nah

46* Been to China: negativo

48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: well Ive had that happen, but it wasent really crazy

49. Smoked: no, its gross and there is too much of a chance of addiction

50. Drank a gallon of milk in an hour: Yes, and I didnt get sick :)

51. Performed in front of a crowd?: Um I was in choir for a long time, so YES

52* Do you have a crush on someone: nope

53* What book are you reading now? nothing, school is out and it is time for a break

54* Worst feeling in the world: feeling youve been living your life wrong.

55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? sleeeeppppp

56* How many rings before you answer: Ummm depends how far from the phone I am

57* Future daughter's name: Isabelle Grace and Hope Alise

58* Future son's name: Dominik (IF I beat my brother to it...haha)

59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no, but i do sleep with the blanket Karla gave me for graduation

60* If you could have any job you wanted: Inner City Assistant principal

61* Wish you were: Im good with where I am

62* College plans: elementary ed major from ACU. Get out of Texas for a while, teach and get my masters in administration at night/summer school whereever I am

63* Piercing(s): nopers....needles make me hyperventilate and faint

64.* Tatoos: see above

65* Do you party: Um HELLO life is just one big party. LOL...jk

67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner: Fructis

68* What are you most scared of: my parents dying

69* What clothes do you sleep in: pj pants and a tank top or athletic shorts and a t shirt

70* Who is the last person that called you: Anna

71* Where do you want to get married: The old West Houston Church of Christ

72* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: putting too much of my trust/myself in other people

73* Who do you really hate: I dont hate anyone, no matter what happens, nobody deserves to be hated

74* Been In Love: Im not really sure anymore

75* Are you timely or always late: I really really try to be early

76* Do you have a job: yes an AH-mazing one

77* Do you like being around people: Mostly, it depends

78* Best feeling in the world: Knowing I am loved

79* Are you for world peace: who the heck isnt?

80* Are you a health freak: on some days

81* Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: No

82* Do you want someone you can't have?: haha no

83* Are you lonely right now: no, I mean I could be since Im alone and its 2 am, but Im not

84* Ever afraid you'll never get married: Im not worried either way, God has got me covered

85* Do you want to get married: sure

86* Do you want kids? two at most


87* Cried: yes...stupid stress

88* Bought Something: yeah

89* Gotten Sick:no

90* Sang: DUH

91* Said I Love You: yes to my momma on the phone and Julya on AIM

92* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: nah

93* Met Someone: yes

94* Moved On: oh man the story of my life these past two weeks

95* Talked To Someone: duh

96* Had A Serious Talk: not so much

97* Missed Someone: heck yes

98* Hugged Someone: yes

99* Yelled at Someone: negative

100* Dreamed About Someone You can't be with: no
posted by Sarah Megan at 11:26 PM | link | 0 comments

Friday, December 15, 2006

Listen to a Graduate

Well, it was great to watch graduation today. One of my best ACU friends walked across that stage tonight. After graduation, we ended up driving around town and eventually sat in her car, as it was parked right next to mine...and we talked for an hour or so there. And I mean serious talk.

I got to let some things off of my chest without mentioning names or putting blame on anyone....that way there were no assumtions made about anyone, even myself.

Advice I got from lil Miss Anna...we seem to be going through the same things, and what she said made me think, but smile.
There is a thin line between true selfishness and giving everything to others. We need to learn to dance that line and enjoy the advantages of both sides.

We need to stop giving ourselves to others. Not like serving others, but living for others. We both know we came to ACU under the wrong impressions. We both came for the wrong reasons. Don't get me wrong, I now wouldnt trade it for anything in the world, but originally I didnt come here for me. And we too easily let others influence what we think, say, and do. We have madde a pact to live for life, live for God, live a life of our own. I can't wait :)

Maybe we are running away. Neither one of us wants to stay here when we graduate. Unfortunently for her, Anna will be here for at least another semester due to things that are out of her control. But, we want to run...far. To reinvent ourselves as the people we know we need to be. To run from the preconcieved notions that others seem to have gotten from us. I just know, no matter where I go, that I will have to know in my heart there is something there worth running to.

Good conversation, good celebration, good friend, and good love between friends.

6 days til Im home :)

Oh I saw Aimee Jo and Andrew tonight at graduation. Twas' cool :)
posted by Sarah Megan at 11:14 PM | link | 0 comments

Thursday, December 14, 2006


1. I only have one final left, I will be school-less tomorrow at noon :)
2. I get to live at that house with Anna and Brittany for five glorious nights starting Saturday!
3. I will be working tons of hours (10-8) Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday...but Ill make 300 dollars!!!!!
4. I get to see my family in 7 Daaaaaaayyyysssss
5. That DARLIN' Kristi White emailed me a PSP application yesterday with a sweet little message. And you better believe it is already filled out...haha
6. I sold $1,997.70 worth of stuff to ONE costumer last night.

Man, oh man. Life is good. Really, really good.

Blessings to you all!
posted by Sarah Megan at 2:04 PM | link | 0 comments

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Awesome video and favorite pictures

Texas Aggie Football

Add to My Profile | More Videos

^^^This is the reason I love the traditions of A&M...GIG'EM AGS!!!

I had to go through my hundreds of pictures so I could update my myspace pictures. Here they are with the captions I put....

...because I really adored my pledge outfit

...because we are G-A-N-G-STTTEEERRRRR

...because I wish I was right here

...because I teach her funny English sayings

...because I love God and my Daddy

...because they taught me Sooner love

...because I wanted to take him home with me

...because they are my heroes

...because she has me wrapped around her finger :)

...because we are too cute

...because she is one of the few people I look in the eye

...because I look funny

...because singing is love

...because my hair looks A-Mazing

...because we have fun

...because we might as well be sisters

I cant wait to go home...I get to go in 9 days. Just hanging out, helping out at my Houston job (since my boss there is on bed rest), hanging out with my friends, and the best part----hanging out with my FFFAAAMMMMIIILLLYYYYY

I hope everyone has an amazing holiday!
posted by Sarah Megan at 2:16 PM | link | 1 comments

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I love this movie. It is my favorite movie of all time. Controversial, I know. But I like it non the less. Its timply amazing.
And this song is one of my favorites from the movie (its hard to pick just one).
posted by Sarah Megan at 6:50 AM | link | 1 comments

Monday, December 04, 2006

New Journey

"this journey will be painful. but we search for truth nonetheless, because we hope for something better." [chris seay]

Im embarking on a new journey. And prayers would be great.

Im embarking on my journey into becoming an adult. It is needed, wanted, and overdue.
After countless prayers by me and one of my closest friends, I believe God has nudged me into a new and probably most influential journeys of my life.

At the beginning of this journey, about a week ago, I was furious at God. I felt like I was by myself. No one was supporting what I wanted to do with my life, and it was a place a truly felt God was leading me. I now know that there are people that support my dreams for after graduation. And that is something I thank God for, bringing out those people so I know there are people behind me.

The hardest part of this journey is going to be stepping back from some of the people I love the most. I fought God long and hard on this. All semester, it has been on my heart to say something to a handful of people. I just needed time between me and God to find out what kind of adult I am going to be. I kept putting it off, but last just blew up in my face. Not saying God put a huge fight in my life, but something significant had to happen in my heart, or I believe I would have never backed away. I know a few of you that I have made this decision about are reading this, know that I love you. I love what you were to me. I love what you probably will still be in my future, but I just need time.

In the past week, my friends have made comments about how much happier I seem. That I laugh more, I smile more, and it seems that I am less tied down.

It makes me happy that my friends are now seeing the real me. Maybe this is the beginning of who I will be as an adult. A happy, smiley, faithful woman.

I am really excited about this journey. Although it scares me, I know it is something that will mold me into the person I will be for the rest of my life.

I have been saying for years that I am ready to be an adult, but now....I really am. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!
posted by Sarah Megan at 8:25 AM | link | 0 comments